Monday, February 16, 2015

How it all began.....

    A few years ago I was a newbie adjunct history professor at two local colleges.  It was during that time that my wee family went through some major changes.  We learned that our sweet daughter had mild cerebral palsy, and she was going to require a lot of her mama.  As a result, the Leupp Family had to evolve.  I was going to STAY HOME *insert scary organ music*.
    I had never really cooked before, or even had an interest.  I didn't sew, killed the cactus in our kitchen, and if I did make dinner, it was a frozen lasagna. A few months into staying home, I was having such an adventure I briefly had a blog full of my many cooking/domestic mishaps.  There was the time I thought polenta was cheese, when I accidentally burned a crepe into part of my pan-permanently, and the time attempting to reattach a button looked similar to a rubber band ball.... There were some issues. But I wouldn't change a moment of it.  I am having the greatest adventure right in my backyard. And I am intensely happy, even when I am cleaning chicken poop out of my hair (life lesson: don't try to clean the coop when chickens are in it).
    Fast forward to February 2015.  The Leupp's have a small urban farm, lots of chickens, we rarely eat out, and essentially reinvented our life.  I feel like the artist formerly known as Prof. Leupp. Now I am just a mama with a garden, lots of friends, and here in a few months we will have lots of veggies, fruits and honey.  I actually know how to sew!  We up-cycle as much as we can, reuse as often as possible, and hope that our silliness will be helpful to other families out there who are like minded.
     The point of this blog is to be a funny encouragement to families who want to go a different path, maybe not the "no-shave" path (I am Irish, so if I don't shave, I may become proof that yetis do indeed exist), and definitely not the "family cloth" path (if you don't know what that is, just search it on Pinterest). We just want to give our kids the best shot at health, happiness, and a lot of love.  So join us in the Leupp Circus!  It will be a good time.

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