Monday, March 9, 2015

The Cold-cold

I do not like the cold.  No I do not.  I especially don't like having a cold when it is cold.  So what does the Shanny do when she has a cold in the cold?  Makes bath time even more fun with "cold bath bombs."  If you too are suffering from a cold, this is AMAZING, and if I were a dictator, I would make everyone try it if they were suffering from a cold in the cold (or not-so-cold like today). All you need is some essential oils (make sure that they are Pure Therapeutic Grade), some baking soda, and some water.  Now, there are about a million versions of this on Pinterest, so feel free to use one you find there.  For my bath bombs (I was calling them bath balls, and then things got weird and awkward, so I started calling them bath bombs), I recommend using Do Terra or Young Living oils, but whatever you like, you do.  I take a cup of baking soda, 10 drops of peppermint, 10 drops of eucalyptus, 5 drops of lavender, and 5 drops of melaleuca (I have also tried rosemary with a ton of success). I stir it up really well, and then add water until it's a consistency that I can mold.  I get out my handy-dandy wax paper and role 1"diameter bath bombs (see where changing the name to "bombs", instead of "balls" was a good choice?) and set them out on the wax paper over night.  The whole house smells really good, and when I throw them in the bath, or on the floor of my shower, I can instantly breath.  I store them in an air-tight container in our multiple bathrooms, and I promise you won't regret making them.

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